The Now

Roulette, Reruns and Sunshine

Apparently the allergies I thought I was battling was actually a cold. I’m guessing. I know it wasn’t COVID because I took many rapid tests and a regular PCR test just to be sure. I hate that we lives our lives wondering now, ”Is it a allergies, a cold, the flu, or COVID?” They all have the same dang symptoms so it’s a little like playing roulette.

Haha. ”Explain your sneeze”

All I know is that I had both a drippy and stuffed up nose, a slight sore throat (most likely just from drainage) and a major headache for like a week and a half. I was terrified it would go down into my chest because I swear every time I get sick, it turns into bronchitis. I know they say if it’s above the neck, it’s okay to run, but my head was pounding so bad for most of that week I decided not to chance it. So before school, after school and on the weekend, I stayed inside and watched old Castle reruns on Hulu Nathan Fillion really does it for me. He’s got that boyish charm. I forgot how good that show was!

I don’t know if it’s because we’ve had to wear masks for so long, but this is the first time I’ve had a cold/allergies/whatever in 2 years. Maybe the pollen is just that bad this year because of the spastic weather we’ve been having here in AZ. Who knows? What I do know, is that I didn’t get to run for a whole week and it sucked majorly. I missed my me time. I missed being out in the sun and pushing my body.

I finally ran for the first time in over a week on Wednesday after school. It wasn’t my “best” run, no records were set, but to me any run is a good run. The important thing was that I was outside moving my body and satisfying my soul. I know that sounds incredibly trite, but that’s how I feel. I just feel renewed when I run, even if I come back completely exhausted.

Our weather truly has been spastic. It was almost 90 degrees on Wednesday when I ran. It was so warm I actually took my water bottle with me. I hate running with water. I know they make running water bottles specifically to fit on our hands when we run, but I just always feel sloshy and lopsided. I always end up switching back and forth between hands too so I can be comfortable. Because it was so hot, I acquiesced and decided to take my water bottle filled with ice water when I set out. I squeezed water into my mouth a few times because it was so dang hot, but it just ended up tasking like plastic from the water bottle. I didn’t love it and ended up just dumping out it when I got home.

The sun was beating down on me, but it still felt so great to get out there after not being able to run for a week. I didn’t happen upon any sprinklers during this run, but I did find a canopy of trees that provided a brief respite from the glare of the sun for like a full minute as I ran under them.

You can see where the shade ends and the sun begins again

When I got home I was more tired than usual, sweaty and completely out of breath, but happy. Running after school is not my favorite since we get out so late in junior high. I don’t really like running in the evening at all anyway. I’m more of a morning runner. I think it’s one of those ”run before your body knows what’s actually happening” things. Not really. I’m just usually exhausted by the end of the day and running when I’m that tired is just harder.

I’m looking forward to more runs this week as I’m on spring break! Yay!