The Now

Back in Business and Playing in Sprinklers

So…yea. It’s obviously been a while since my last post. It’s been longer since I’ve done any actual running. I’m not going to lie. Training for my first marathon and then running said marathon kicked my ass both physically and mentally.

I’ve been having some health issues and have been completely exhausted. Like all the time. In fact, I’m on summer vacation right now from school. I have been teaching summer school, but it’s half days which is nice. I have been getting home around 2pm after staying at school to prep stuff for next year. I generally have been taking anywhere between a 2 to 3 hour nap and still end up going to bed by 10pm. I have had no energy to work out at all.

My doctor thinks I’m insulin resistant. they way she explained it to me is that my body produces insulin like it’s supposed to, but at the same time is not recognizing the insulin so it produces more. Since I have all this extra insulin, I’m storing it as fat. She’s also pretty sure I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I’m still researching this and waiting for test results. Oh, AND on top off all of this I am vitamin D deficient. The hits just keep on coming.

I’m not happy about this turn of events, but at least there is a reason I am blowing up like a balloon again. I’ve been avoiding scales and not going to Weight Watchers meetings as I have felt so bad about myself. My doctor gave me some eating tips to help with the insulin thing. I tried to go no carb and no Diet Dr. Pepper this last week like she suggested. She said if I don’t eat carbs and stay away from anything sweet (even though it’s diet soda), that my body would stop producing the extra insulin.  It didn’t quite work out for me.

By  Tuesday I felt like one of Snow White’s Dwarves had crawled into my head and was using a pick-ax to hammer away at my skull. I could barely see straight my head hurt so bad. Plus I was even more tired than before if that was even possible. I ended up driving to QT (I love their crushed ice) to get a Diet Dr. Pepper (the only diet soda I can stomach). I also had pasta for dinner. It was amazing how quickly that horrendous headache abated after that. I still had one, don’t get me wrong. It was just more of an annoyance rather than a crippling pain.

I decided to go to a Weight Watchers meeting this morning and face the music. I am not happy about what I saw on the scale.  I’m crossing my fingers that some of that goes away as soon as I get my body regulated again. I have thought a lot today about it, and I am going to switch all of my etools things over to “Day 1” and start fresh. I will pretend that I never made Lifetime and am starting the program fresh. I’ve got to do something, this is insane. I’ve been so down on myself lately, I’m surprised anyone wants to spend any time with me!

I had an epiphany today in the back yard. I had just finished helping my uncle shovel 12 “Homer Buckets” full of dirt to take up to their lot in Payson. We didn’t have irrigation last week due to the four big piles of dirt being dumped in the backyard, so the orange trees were looking a little dry. My uncle had put the sprinkler on the trees to help revive them a little. I stayed behind in the yard to close the gate after his truck and watch the sprinklers for a few minutes. The water was just too tempting.

I proceeded to run through the sprinklers. I haven’t done that since last year when I first started training for The Phoenix Marathon. I have to say I think the water was revived more than the trees. It revived my spirit as well. As I twirled, leaped, and pranced (after watching a YouTube video today of Prancersize I had to try it), I started thinking about my blog (aptly named), running, working out, and feeling amazing when I was working out and pushing myself.

It’s been over 110 degrees every day this week in Phoenix. I have been using the excuse that it’s too hot to run and I hate my gym (LA Fitness) and that I need to find a new gym so I can start running on the treadmill. I need to get back into my routine. It was hot this time two years ago when I first began running, and I still did it. It was hard getting out the door on those days but I felt good afterward.  Yes I hate my gym, but until I can find one I like, I can stand going after summer school when it’s not so busy. I just have to get my foot in the door and make myself go. I didn’t run last summer either and it put me so far behind in my training.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I was just thinking if I would’ve kept running for the last two years (an injury last summer had me out for the count), then I would be a lot faster, would have more stamina, and would be a better runner. We as humans tend to hedge a lot of things on “what if”, or “should have, or “I wish”. Everyone does it. I’m just as guilty as the next person. I have a great imagination for “what could have been”. I can spin a whole story on what my life would be like right now if “I had just”…

Unfortunately those things don’t do us any good in the real world. I need to be realistic and live in the now and actually shoot for ‘what could be’. I need to get off my ass and get back to business. Even though it feels like my body is rebelling against me right now, I need to stop being a passive prisoner and start fighting for myself again. I was happiest when I was in control and was working out and making good food choices. I need to get back there again.

I’m the type of person that needs a goal to shoot for. I am now registered for 3 half-marathons (so far), one of which will be my fist ‘destination’ race. I took advantage of the crazy discounts on National Runners Day and registered for the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Half-Marathon in November. I’ve only been to Vegas once and it was years ago. It will be a nice little break in routine, and it’s right after my birthday so I can celebrate in style. The thing that makes me nervous is the flight. Last time I went, we drove because it was much cheaper. No one will drive with me so it looks like I’m flying. I really hope I can manage to not have a panic attack on the plane. That would not be a good way to start off a trip.

I’m also registered for the Women’s Running magazine half in Scottsdale  in November and the PF Changs Rock and Roll half in January. I really am thinking about doing The Phoenix Marathon again next March. I want to do better than I did. I finished. That was my goal, but now I want to set a time goal. I will probably end up registering for some more races between then and now. It just depends on available funds.

All this talk about races lately has gotten me all excited about running again. I just hope my body cooperates.

So my game plan is this:

1. Weigh in every week (at lifetime I only have to go once a month) to keep myself accountable.


3. Write in my blog at least once a week to help keep myself motivated (your comments always help so much)

4. Be more positive.

I know it’s only four little steps, but honestly that’s all I can handle right now. I will add more to the list when I have accomplished some of these things.
