The Now

Exhaustion, Searching for Sprinklers & Eminem

Some days when I leave school I just cant. I can’t even. I’m so tired I feel like I could fall asleep behind the wheel driving. I am so tired my eyes burn. I am like bone tired. I don’t know how else to describe how tired I am. Have you ever been that tired? Where you just cant? Like you just physically and mentally can’t do anything other than simply exist and even that feels like way too much effort?

I honestly don’t know what it is. I’m not getting any less sleep, I’m not working any different than I did two months ago or even 6 months ago. But now by the end of the school day I’m lucky if I can string words together to make a coherent sentence. I feel like all speech, coordination and critical thinking skills have just abandoned me by the end of the day. I’m lucky I get home in one piece some days.

I know it’s not a depression thing either. I honestly think it’s just approaching the end of a very long school year and I. Am. Tired. I’ve got a lot going on at home too, and I feel like I always need to be ”on”. I need a vacation for sure. Of course I don’t ever take one or go anywhere, but maybe I can try to make an effort to at least take a little mini weekend vacation this summer or something.

If it wasn’t so blasted hot, I’d try running after school and see if that resurrects my energy, but I don’t know if I could even drum up the energy to throw my running clothes on much less head out the door and push myself. I’m still only running once a week on the weekend. It’s my saving grace to be honest. I feel more ”me” when I’m able to run. I ran on Easter Sunday in the morning and it was gorgeous. It was supposed to be like 97 for the high so I got up at 6:30 to run.

There was literally no traffic on the road, it was eerie at first, but also so nice! I generally encounter a lot of people out walking in my hood as well, but I didn’t see anyone out and about. I don’t know if it was because of the holiday or the time of morning. Regardless it was a beautiful thing. It was just me and my Apple Music playlist and nothing else.

Literally no traffic down a busy road on a Sunday morning.

I had a great run. I decided to stop following my app 100% because I don’t like to be told what to do. because I needed to shake things up! I am still following the app, but kind of molding it into whatl I need right now for where am at with running. The app training schedule has a habit of pushing too hard too fast, and I knew based on how I felt after the last few runs I completed; that I needed something different. (See how I’m actually trying to listen to my body now?). I’m still using the app because I like the verbal ”run” “walk” that I get.

I know my Garmin will do intervals for me with a vibrate/tap on the wrist, but I get so in my head sometimes that I don’t always pay attention, so the dude that breaks through my music to yell at me keeps me focused. I really should try the Garmin intervals some time, but I’m pretty sure I can only program it to do a certain amount of time for the intervals and I don’t usually know what I want to do until get out there.

For instance, Easter Sunday I ran 1 minute: walked 1, ran 1:30: walked 1 and repeated for a 5k. That’s what I felt I needed at that time. I was tired and a little achy and I knew I’d need to walk more so I wanted to give myself more walk breaks (again listening to my body!). It worked just fine because I felt great the whole run and I was able to push myself to run a little faster than I normally do.

It sounds counterintuitive that I was tired and achy so I knew I needed walk breaks, but then I was running faster than my norm. I like to mix it up sometimes rather than running slow and steady. It keeps my body from getting too comfortable and it keeps me from getting too bored with my routine. Again, not a professional runner, just a girl out here trying to run and not fall flat on my face. I’m basically making it up as I go.

My first mile I’m always tired. I think to myself, ”This sucks. I suck as a runner. My pace sucks. My body sucks. I’m never going to get where I was”. Pretty much my first mile is me complaining about everything in my head my body and my mindset both warming up. My second mile is where it’s at. I feel great, my pace is good, I’m thinking more positive and I’m generally vibing with my music at that point and feeling my energy level starting to pick up.

For having gotten up at 6:30 to run Easter Sunday, it got pretty warm, pretty quickly. My elbows started sweating around the end of mile 2 and I started looking for a reprieve. I saw a neighbors yard with the sprinklers on, but I don’t know that neighbor and seeing how it was Easter Sunday and all, I didn’t think it was right to go dashing through their yard, so I ran as close as I could to the sprinklers in hopes of getting some backsplash or a little coolness.

So close, yet so far…

I went another mile and happened to see the LDS church on the corner where I turn to make my final loop. There was a guy walking his dog who actively went into the street to avoid the sprinklers so I took advantage of the empty sidewalk and dashed through with my arms up in the air. His dog barked at me and he looked at me like I was nuts, but I didn’t care. I was hot and the water was cold!

My saving grace

I felt revitalized after that and proceeded to finish out the last mile and a quarter a little wetter, but cooler. I actually didn’t do too bad that run, and ended up setting a new distance and time record. My spits were okay. I seem to have an issue where I’m negative my second mile, but my 3rd mile slows down a little. The third mile is still way faster than my 1st mile, but not as fast or faster than mile 2. I don’t know if it’s because mile 2 is my ”magic mile” where I start to feel all the feels or what, but I need to work on having negative splits for all the miles.

Still slow
Easter Sunday run in the heat

I always get so red when I run. I feel like it’s unnatural, but when I cool off I always go back to normal. One time I had someone ask me if I was going to pass out. I’m like, ”Nope, this is just my face”. haha


Instead of waiting for Sunday this week, I opted to get up early and run before I needed to work at my second job. I didn’t have to be there until 11 am so I figured if I got up at 7 I’d be in good shape time-wise. Based on how tired I felt this week, I set an alarm for getting up to run, and one for getting up to go to work in case I woke up and didn’t feel energized enough to go and went back to sleep instead.

When my alarm went off at 7 I had an internal debate with myself about getting up or just sleeping in and running on Sunday morning instead. At that point, it was 15 minutes later and I was wide awake so I got up and got my gear on. I wasn’t sure how my run was going to look when I started on my warm up walk. I had an emotional week and I had been feeling drained and run down again. As I got near the corner where I usually take off running, I started getting excited about running before work.

I’m not going to lie, I feel like 11-8 is the worst shift ever. It kicks the crap out of your whole day. It’s really too early to be lazy all morning, and it’s too late to want to do anything when you get off of work. I figured by getting up extra early and running, I could at least say I accomplished something that day.

I started off with the thought in my head that I needed to work on my negative splits and try to get that third mile down lower than my first two. I didn’t really have a plan in mind other than that. I actually felt relatively rested and decided to push myself to see what I could do. I ended up running 3 minutes, walking 1:30 and just rotating that for the first two miles. It could have been longer than that but I honestly wasn’t paying that close of attention, I just knew I was running faster and farther than the norm.

On the second mile I knew I needed to kick it up a notch because I knew I was doing better than normal on my first (most difficult) mile. I was dreaming of those negatived splits. So I ended up running more and walking less. I tried not to look at my pace and just run by feel. It was hot, but not unbearably as we had wind all week that cooled it down a little. I also tried to vary my route a little bit because I was getting bored again. I ended up running past the point where I normally make my first turn, and ran on the other side of the busy street. This side was nice and shady and gave me a different outlook as I ran.

It’s always hard to take a picture while I’m running.

Of course I just missed the stoplight coming back so I hit the crosswalk button and ran past it about 50 feet. There was barely any traffic so I decided to just dash across the street. There was an SUV coming pretty quickly so I put on a burst of speed, and I feel like the SUV did too. When I looked back I had an OSM when I realized it was a police SUV. I thought for sure he was going to turn around and ticket me for jayrunning so I ran down a side street hoping he wouldn’t come after me. For a few seconds I felt like a fugitive haha.

I couldn’t find a meme for jayrunning

My elbows had started sweating during my first mile and it didn’t let up. It was a little warmer than it had been the previous weekend. I was desperately looking around for some sprinklers, but I think it was too early in the morning for anyone to have them on. I did come across the little park in our neighborhood that was flooded with irrigation and I was SO tempted to just jump in, but I didn’t want to get my shoes soaking wet or end up muddy so I sadly ran past it.


By the time I looked at my watch I realized I was already over my usual 3 miles. All the detours had put me over my normal milage and I was still quite far from home so I didn’t really have any choice other than to keep going. My energy was certainly lagging by then but I kept trying to drive myself even harder because I felt really good on that run! With about a half mile to go, my playlist kicked into overdrive and started playing music with great beats that helped with my cadence immensely. Eminem is actually really fun to run to and he helped me finish strong!

Jamming to Eminem yesterday!

I was so proud of myself when I finished. I ran just over 4 miles. That’s the most milage I’ve gotten in since I started running again. 4 miles doesn’t seem like a lot, but to me, it’s a mountain that I was able to conquer! I looked at my splits hoping for a miracle because I felt like my 3rd mile was great (but it also had the detours in it that threw me off). I definitely ran faster than I have been running! I didn’t get the negative splits, but I’m proud of what I accomplished!

That third mile is my nemesis!

I was also able to set two new records on my Garmin! Farthest run and fastest run!

New PR for me!

I have this weird thing where I don’t really sneeze, wheeze or cough when I run. That all starts when I get home and do my post-run stretching. I swear I sneeze like 50 times when I’m trying to stretch and then come the wheezing and coughing. I love Arizona’s Palo Verde trees, but during the spring they drop these little yellow flowers that are 100% responsible for everyone’s allergies right now. It gets so bad sometimes it’s like running on a yellow carpet!

Pretty but will make you sneeze!

On the way home I passed by one of the neighbors who was out watering his lawn. I contemplated asking him to aim his hose up in the air and let me run through it, but I thought that would be weird. Plus when I said good morning he stepped into his lawn like he was trying to get out of my way. I swear I’m going to do it one of these days. Several years ago some random dude sprayed me down with his hose as I ran past. I’m going to ask-just you watch!

My body was tired, but my soul was happy!
The Now

Bumping it up, Running Through Sprinklers and Being Kind to Myself

When I woke up Tuesday morning it was 46 degrees outside. I was warm and toasty in my bed so I decided to wait a little while before getting up to go for my run. My milage was to bump up this week and I was a little nervous about it to be honest. I always get nervous when it’s time to kick it up a notch. I wasn’t sure how I’d do coming off of my cold/allergy thing and I debated redoing one of the ”days” on my app that I had previously done just to stretch it out.

I decided to stop whining about the temperature and the milage and get up and go run. I made up my mind that if I needed to walk, I would and I wouldn’t beat myself up about it. I also reminded myself that the temperature would not be this low for very much longer and I needed to take advantage of the cooler temps while I still could! I threw on a long sleeve shirt over my running tank just in case it remained too chilly and headed out.

It turned out that by the time I got to the end of the block, I didn’t need the long sleeve so I shucked it off and tied it (double knot so I wouldn’t lose it) around my waist. It was such a nice day out I couldn’t have asked for better weather for my first ”bump up day”. The only complaint that I had about my run was my app. There is a disembodied voice that usually tells me how far I’ve gone and when to run and when to walk. It kept messing up and it was annoying me so much I almost turned it off.

I’m sure there are other apps out there, but this one was recommended to me years ago and I’ve kind of stuck with it. The training is broken down into weeks and then subsequently broken down into days. The weeks generally consist of 3 days per week in which I run. It also allows for rest days in between runs. The runs are generally the same for the whole week and then they increase moderately the following week. This week was a bigger bump than normal, but I was ready.

The app is nice because I can set it to play with one of my playlists on Apple Music and it does most of the work for me. I don’t know the interval in which it tells me my milage, but every so often the cheerful male voice will come on and say something like, ”Ten minutes thirteen seconds. Point zero eight two miles. Average pace… One hundred thirteen calories burned” (I’m making up those numbers for the example). This day it was like my male announcer had some trouble speaking. He would start out, ”Ten minutes….” and just stop. Then 30 seconds later, ”Ten minutes thirteen…” and stop. All the while it would lower the music. I had to keep waiting for it as it started over, slowly progressed and then started over again until he could relay all the typical information. That happened at two different points during my run and it was irritating me so much I wanted to throw my phone. I wouldn’t really do that of course, I love my phone too much for that.

I definitely had to push myself during this run and I struggled mentally. I don’t think I struggled really with the run itself, I was just struggling with my confidence as a runner. I had that ”Oh crap” moment when I was running for a longer period of time than normal before a walk break. I had been thinking I was doing so great on my training thus far. At that point I was huffing and puffing and struggling to keep up my pace (I have it in my head that I need to stay below 11 min/mile while I’m running even though that is still a slow pace). I started bashing myself and thinking that I’m crazy to think I can start running again, that I shouldn’t have signed up for a marathon for next year and that I can’t even run 3 miles without walking so who am I kidding?

Then I remembered my goal to try to be kind to myself. Would I say things I was saying about myself to a friend? I also needed to remind myself that I was still getting over being sick, that I forgot to take a hit off of my inhaler to open up my lungs before I set out and I haven’t really run and FOUR years and that I needed to cut myself some slack because I’m retraining my body. I quickly shut myself down and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and focusing on the positive. I was doing it, I wasn’t quitting and saying I needed to walk before my ”run” time was up. I was pushing myself and doing it even though I was tiring and struggling to catch my breath towards the end of my running intervals.

By the time I got to the end of the run my Garmin read 2.78 miles. Last time I pushed myself farther than I should have to get to a well-rounded mile, I ended up benching myself for almost two weeks with sore knees. I struggled for my decision for only a nanosecond before I talked myself into rounding it out to an even 3 miles. I figured I’d been running more regularly and farther distances so that in itself would reduce my chances of injuring myself since I wasn’t going way overboard like I had done several months ago.

I was right in front of my house at this point so I just decided to run to the end of my block, turn around, run up past the neighbors house and back. I ended up doing this three times in order to get to my 3 miles. I’m sure the neighbors were wondering what the heck I was doing, if they had looked out the window during that time frame. I probably looked pretty ridiculous just running around in circles, but it got the job done!

Overall It was a good run. I was pleasantly exhausted and I was sweating. All signs of a good run. I had also noticed as I was running in circles that the neighbors had so thoughtfully left their sprinklers on for me. I looked around me to make sure no one was looking and then made a mad dash through the sprinklers-just once but it was enough to cool me off and make me a little giddy. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind right? I mean I’d loan them a cup of sugar if they needed one-it’s the neighborly thing to do after all. What’s a little water between neighbors?

An oasis in the desert haha

The last song on my run was Eminem and it felt fitting

I love that my Garmin sends me cute little messages about me setting a new record. It keeps me motivated and I feel like someone is cheering me on:

And then when I got home I saw this message from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and it made me happy:

I’m happy too that it’s spring break and I get to run! I always think of it as ”getting to run” versus ”having” to run. I think I see it more as a reward and others seem to see it as a punishment. Sometimes it does feel like I’m punishing my body, but somehow that doesn’t seem to be the right word. To me it’s more like “pushing” my body rather than a punishment. It’s making me better and stronger both physically and emotionally.

The Now

Epic Music, Allergies, & Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

I know it was two weeks ago, but did anyone see the Super Bowl? Me either. But I DID watch the halftime show and it was epic! I am of course speaking as someone who spent my formative years listening to Snoop Dog, Dr. Dre, Eminem and 50cent (still don’t know what the whole hanging upside down thing was about). The other two were okay too, but I’ve never been a huge fan. My cousins, their spouses, their kids and I were all at my aunt’s house for the game. As soon as halftime started, all the guys got up and went outside and all we womenfolk stayed inside to watch. My cousins and I got up and were dancing, even my grandma was grooving along to Snoop! I forgot how good that music was. I decided I needed more Snoop, Dre and Eminem in my life so I went through and added a bunch of songs from Apple Music.


Running would be so much easier for me if breathing weren’t a requirement. I’ve actually been thinking about this on my runs lately. No matter what I do, I always end up huffing and puffing. It sucks because it’s not like I’m a smoker or severely overweight, I just lost the gene lottery and ended up with crappy lungs. I don’t even think my lungs are that bad compared to some people. There are teachers at my school that have signs up in their classrooms prohibiting students from spraying perfume or cologne because it will trigger a reaction, or they can feel a bad pollution day coming based on their lungs.

I get bronchitis-a lot. Although (knock on wood) I haven’t had it since before ’Rona hit us (maybe because I had to wear a mask so much??? I still haven’t quite figured that one out). I have to use a rescue inhaler on occasion. It’s not like I have to use it because I’m having an asthma attack. My chest will occasionally get tight and I get wheezy. Generally it’s because I’m getting sick, sick, or my body is just really tired. One to two puffs off of that red rocket and I can breathe again. I have seasonal allergies that give me maybe 2 good months out of the year without a stuffy nose. So really there is no reason other than I just can’t seem to make my lungs work good enough to be a runner that doesn’t have to stop to catch her breath once in a while.

Pretty sure this is why my allergies are going crazy now-spring has sprung in AZ!

I know they say, ”You control your breathing, don’t let it control you”. But I have tried believe me! I’ve tried the whole ”in for four out for four”, ”in through the nose, out with the mouth”, as well as other methods. Generally trying those just makes me dizzy or makes me feel like I’m hyperventilating and I have to stop and walk until I can get my lungs to calm down again.

It’s Arizona Wildflower time!

I am getting really bored of my usual route. Granted right now my milage for each run hasn’t increased a whole lot, but I feel like I’m losing interest in the scenery around me since I’ve seen it so often. I’m trying to find beauty or interesting things where I can, just to keep myself entertained. I snapped a picture of this cactus because it looked like someone made a happy face for it. If someone didn’t make it, then Mother Nature sure has a sense of humor.

It’s a happy little cactus

I am trying to not to be frustrated as my milage hasn’t been increasing as fast as I’d like. With me being so accident/injury prone it’s probably a good thing. I’m not really planning on running a real race until probably Turkey Trot time in November, but for sure December when the Hot Chocolate Race kicks in again. So I’m taking it slow. My Garmin has told me after my last 3 runs that I’ve set a new record. It’s like I have a personal cheering squad sitting on my wrist. My last run actually wasn’t that bad. I probably should start paying attention to the actual data that it gives me. After all, that’s why I opted to get the Garmin right??? My splits are all negative which is a good thing. I was worried on Saturday because I felt a little sluggish and I was worried it would be a crappy run, but my splits were great! I’m still slow. I probably always will be and I’m okay with that. I just want to be able to keep up the distance!

Yay for negative splits!

I was very sad for about an hour after my run. I have recently discovered leggings with pockets in them. That’s not what made me sad. (more to come) I know pockets are not a new thing, but I’ve never used leggings that had them before. I must have been living under a rock because honestly I don’t know how I ever lived without them! I usually use a magnetic pouch in my pants to hold my phone and any other necessities I may need. Saturday I decided to experiment and see if my phone really would fit in the pocket of the leggings I had on while I ran. I brought my Roo Sport pouch with me just in case so I had it tucked like normal into my leggings.

I’m going to go on a duck walk for a moment. Speaking of leggings, I was wearing my Lululemon leggings that I had to go down a size in. Apparently I should have gone down TWO sizes because they fall down when I run. Not like down around my ankles, but enough that I have to keep pulling them up when I run. I took a few tentative steps when I began running and the phone was not budging so I was really excited!

I didn’t give my phone another thought as I continued on my run. During every walk break I would have to stop and pull the waist of my leggings back up where they belong. I didn’t think anything of it, until I was almost all the way done with my run and I realized my Roo Sport pouch was gone! This is where the sadness comes in. That pouch had seen me through a few races, several rounds of lawn mowing (to hold my phone so can listen to music when I mow), and some hikes. I immediately had it in my head that I was going to have to order a new one when I got home. Not all of my leggings have pockets and I have never attempted to go on a run without my phone. I feel like I need it for safety.

I was super sad when I got home because I had no idea where I had dropped it. I figured as I was pulling up my pants while I ran, I probably pulled it out without realizing it. It was so light without my phone in it, that it probably just flew out as I adjusted my waistband. At that point I was tired, thirsty, hot and a little irritated about losing my pouch and was SO not in the mood to have to go back over my route. I was resigned to having lost it.

When I got home I did some stretches. I’m trying to make a conscious effort to stretch more after I run because I’m determined not to wreck my body again. After I was done stretching I realized I was hungry in addition to being thirsty. I had already slammed two bottles of water. I did the dance where I open the refrigerator door and stand staring at the food in the fridge for about 10 minutes before deciding there was nothing in there I wanted to eat. I decided to head to The Habit to get a grilled cheese sandwich (with bacon AND avocado!) and some fries. I know that’s not the healthiest thing to eat after I run, but that is was I was suddenly craving.

I jumped into my little CR-V and headed to go pick up my food. On the way there I cruised down one of the main roads that was part of my route. I looked in vain for my little black pouch hoping I’d see it just laying on the sidewalk, to no avail. I was still really sad as I waited for my food and resigned myself to looking at the RooSport website when I got home. I decided not to go back the way I came and took the longer way home just to see one more time if I could spy my pouch.

I was just about to give up when I saw something black laying on the sidewalk in front of this small church that I don’t even know if it’s still an actual church or not. I never see cars in the parking lot, but occasionally someone is out there taking care of the grounds. There was a groundskeeper type person there who looked up as I quickly took the corner, tires squealing and pulled into the church parking lot. I parked and hopped out quickly, leaving my door wide open and the engine running. (Luckily I put it in park-haha). I was just so excited about the possibility of finding my pouch! I discovered there was a weird almost small canal surrounding the parking lot, keeping it separated from the sidewalk in front of it. I thought that was odd and contemplated getting a running start and trying to jump over it. I looked to the left as I was backing up to start running and saw a little bridge someone had thoughtfully built over the mini-canal. I quickly scrambled across it, almost falling on my face as I hit some gravel on the sidewalk, and quickly retrieved what did turn out to be my pouch!

Oh I was so excited! I couldn’t believe I had actually found it. It looked a little worse for the wear and I wondered if maybe it hadn’t gotten tossed around in the wind from passing cars a little, but I didn’t care! I found it! I fully intended on buying a new one if it had been lost, but I really didn’t want to spend the money so I was relieved! This was seriously one of the best purchases I had ever made of running gear!

The magnet is below that fold and it just tucks into my leggings it also has 2 zipper areas

After my run and adventure afterward it was time to get ready to hand out with some friends. A bunch of teachers/gym friends (from back in my Orange Theory days) get together once a month to catch up. I was fortunate enough to get together with them last month at Postino and this month we had planned an outing to the Queen Creek Olive Mill. It’s a cute little ”farm” that has a restaurant and retail space. I was happy that I had gotten the day off as an approved request so I could join them.

I still felt great and had that post-run euphoria as I showered and got ready. I was excited to be able to spend even more time outside. I had never actually been to the Mill before, but several of my family members and friends had gone previously and loved it. We had made arrangements to carpool since it’s pretty far out from the areas in which we all live.

I ended up stopping at Quick Trip (gas station) to grab a bottle of water on my way. Sometimes my stomach acts up on long car rides (because apparently I’m 5) so I wanted the water with me just in case. I had actually made an effort with my appearance and had on makeup and did my hair. The girl that rang me out for the water at QT said as I was checking out, ”Wow, you’re like really pretty”. It made my day! It was such an out of the blue complement that I looked behind me to see if someone was standing behind me. It turns out she was talking to me! I told her she made my day and then set off to meet my friends.

I clean up nice sometimes! haha

The Olive Mill was super far out east and it took us probably about 45 minutes to an hour to get there, but it was so cute! It was Canada week. wW get an influx of ”snowbirds” from Canada, so they must’ve been celebrating them. (A snowbird is what we Arizonans affectionately refer to the old people who can’t drive and don’t pay taxes here retired folks who come from Canada and parts of the US that get pretty cold and snowy. They have ”winter homes” here and hang out until about April or so when it starts to get too hot and then they fly back east for the summer).

It was so crowded! We stood in line for probably about a half an hour to order our food and get drinks. The time passed quickly though because the six of us kept chatting and playing catch up as we waited. I couldn’t decide if I wanted a salad or a sandwich, but when I saw the desert case, I went for the salad in hopes of mitigating calories (especially after my grilled cheese and fries in the morning).

All the seating was outside and it was such a beautiful day for it! It was nice and cool but the sun shining didn’t make it feel chilly at all. There was plenty of seating too. We were able to find a long picnic table that accommodated the six of us. We didn’t have to wait very long for our food-which was delicious! I ordered the house salad with chicken. It has stuff in it that I normally don’t eat. I’m super picky about salads, but it was really good! All the veggies were fresh and the chicken in it wasn’t bad. The dressing was some kind of lemon vinaigrette and it was very refreshing!

Plenty of seating and shade!

It seemed like time flew as we chatted and laughed and caught up! We ventured back inside to get dessert and do a little shopping. I bought my aunt a large bottle of the lemon olive oil (I heard it was really good) and I bought myself a State Forty Eight shirt. I love the State Forty Eight shirts and was excited to see they sold them there, and that they had the women’s cut in the v-neck! I also ordered some chocolate chip cannoli and it was the absolute bomb!

I love this group of women!

All in all it was a fabulous day! I started with a great run, and ended it in the company of amazing friends! I can’t wait until our next adventure!