The Now

An Experiment in Writing and Sweaty Elbows

I’m currently sitting at Weight Watchers waiting for my meeting to begin. I thought I’d try my handy dandy WordPress App and see if I can write a post on the run (no pun intended haha). It seems like with school and training, I am struggling to find time to write, and when I finally do write; it turns out to be a novella. So I am experimenting with my iPhone 5 which just informed me I have about 20% battery left. We shall see how far I get.

Last week here in good old AZ we actually had something that resembled winter. It was actually cold enough to see your breath and the lows were in the 20s. I heard a vicious rumor that it was supposed to be warmer today and I knew I had to run after school. I wasn’t sure what to pack after the clothing disaster during PF Changs’s half-marathon, so when I packed my backpack last night, I planned for every contingency. I packed a pair of Capri running pants, a pair of shorts, a short sleeved t-shirt, 2 tank tops (I don’t know why but there were 2 in there), my compression socks I hadn’t had the nerve to wear in public yet, and my no-show socks. Oh! And my new shoes. I decided to break them in today.
I am super glad I brought the shorts and tank. I don’t have “runners legs” by any means, but I gladly put them on after school when it was already 80 degrees at 3:00pm. Seriously?! 80 degrees in January. Yes it’s Arizona and usually hotter than the six shades of hell, but we still don’t average 80+ degree temperatures in January. I felt like it was summer time.
Immediately my elbows began to sweat. I only did 4 miles today because it was just too darn hot and my stomach is being weird today. What I do on Wednesdays is drive to Weight Watchers, change there, run away from weight watchers at whatever half my miles are, and then run back in time for the weigh-in and the meeting. When I walked in Debi, my leader and friend, said, “I guess I don’t need to ask if you ran already since your face is all red and you’re sweaty”.
I chose not to weigh-in tonight. Being a lifetime member I have that luxury even though I made a commitment to myself to weigh-in every week. That being said, generally when I have stomach issues I retain water like mad. I can feel it in my stomach. I do this weird thing where I bloat and look 10 pounds heavier. It’s really annoying and not a flattering look at all. Especially when wearing running shorts.

So this ends my experiment in writing via my app. Please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. I tried to catch as many as possible, but its difficult to proof read on this screen. I can’t figure out how to post a picture either so I’m doing a “quick post” of my abnormally large calves in my compression socks and new shoes.
I haven’t made up my mind about the shoes yet. They are comfortable but just feel different than my older shoes. Asics discontinued the shoe I’ve worn for the last few pairs, but the guy at Roadrunner t’s me these are the same shoe, just a step up. Hmmm. The jury is still out. I need to get a few more runs in before I decide.


6 thoughts on “An Experiment in Writing and Sweaty Elbows”

  1. My Run this morning was 3.5…. so you did more than me.. I don’t think I could do it at 80 degrees… I’m not looking forward to afternoon running at Ragnar Del Sol… last year it was pretty warm… blech..


  2. I love the socks and the shoes, you ran off so quickly thatbindidnt get to talk with you after the meeting about your run on Sunday!


    1. Thanks Vickie! I went to get my stuff out of the back room and just figured everyone left already so I took off! Plus my phone had died at that point so I wanted to get home and plug it in!


      1. They do look snazzy – I’ll eventually treat myself to a pair in every colour, so I can colour coordinate badly for races. They ain’t cheap, though!


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